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Except for the initial collection, all the material in the museum was kindly donated by members and supporters of our association. Keep an exhibition of working computers requires great work and an innumerable amount of spare parts.

All About Apple is a non-profit organization that can also receive materials from government agencies, which often possess fed collections of objects destined for scrapping and that instead can still have a historical significance.

All About Apple accepts the products that are missing to the museum’s collection, accessories and pieces that can be used to keep the exhibition active and alive.
In rare cases (for space reasons) we accept even non-functioning machines, used for retrieve parts.
Depending on the space available in the warehouse, the museum welcomes also computers pre 90s, video games and consoles of all ages for the Area 51.

For organisational reasons, each donation will be evaluated and approved by the All About Apple staff. The donor will be entitled to a free entrance to the museum.

At the moment of the acquisition of the material All About Apple issues, upon request of the donor, a signed document as a receipt, with the list of the donated pieces and their serial numbers.

Donated items are repaired and included in the museum catalogue with the donor’s details (unless otherwise stated).

Those who donate particular quantities of material or pieces of particular value can aspire to the title of Donor Member (1 year free membership) or Honorary Member (lifetime membership) of All About Apple AMUG.

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Sostieni All About Apple senza alcun costo destinando il tuo cinque per mille nella dichiarazione dei redditi. Con una firma aiuterai il museo a crescere anno dopo anno. Un gesto molto semplice che non costa nulla ma che per noi vuol dire molto.

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Become a member

Becoming an All About Apple member means sharing a project and helping it grow, day after day. The association is the engine of the museum and is first and foremost a group of friends who are eager to welcome new members with open arms.

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Support AAA

Support the activities of All About Apple Onlus with a financial donation by credit card or bank transfer. Your donation will be accompanied by a regular receipt that gives you the right to tax benefits.

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