It’s possible to register filling out this form. The registration is valid from the month of payment of the minimum membership fee (set at 20 euros) for the following 12 months. This quota is freely extendable at the discretion of the supporting member who wants to give particular support to our initiative.
Exclusive advantages
Membership entitles you to:
- freely visits to the museum
- invitations to special events of A. M.U.G. (open days, meetings, conferences, etc..)
It’s important to note that every possible donation of material to AllAboutApple gives the right to be entitled to enrollment.
This is due to the fact that the fees, the only income for the AMUG, help support projects management costs (including electricity expenses for the museum, the maintenance of the web space, the purchase of spare parts, etc..), for this reason all those who believe in this project are expected to cooperate.
Members can also join regular meetings that will be organized, promptly notified by email.
Support AAA
Support the activities of All About Apple Onlus with a financial donation by credit card or bank transfer. Your donation will be accompanied by a regular receipt that gives you the right to tax benefits.
Sostieni All About Apple senza alcun costo destinando il tuo cinque per mille nella dichiarazione dei redditi. Con una firma aiuterai il museo a crescere anno dopo anno. Un gesto molto semplice che non costa nulla ma che per noi vuol dire molto.
For over 15 years, All About Apple has been collecting Apple products to make them work and display them to the public. Keeping the exposure alive requires a lot of work and countless spare parts. Donate your used Apple products to All About Apple!