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On show in Savona, starting April 21st till May 20th 2012, at Palazzo del Commissario, within the Priamar fortress, the “cult” computers that built Apple history and that are part of life and history of a whole generation of people.
The pieces on show are part of the rich Savona All About Apple Museum, AMUG born in 2002, celebrating this year its 10th anniversary.
On May 12th, at the exibition there will be a special events day celebrating the 10th AAA Museum birthday.
The show has been set up by AAA Museum supported by Punto a Capo Coo’ee publishing agency.
It will show some of the most important pieces designed and produced by the mithic apple brand following the historic events and costume events along this era: the Apple Generation one.

Everyone tech addicted and the nostalgic of an era grooving our history is invited to join the opening on Saturday April 21th at 11:00 am.
Press, opinion maker and authorities will attend the press conference on Friday April 20th at the exibition.

Entry is free and opening hours are the following: Thursday and Friday 2:30pm till 6:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 10:30am till 6:30pm.